Church members and friends create ornaments as part of the Advent Workshop.
Volunteer Donella Neuhaus leads an ornament creation table.
Decorating–and eating!–sugar cookies is a favorite station at the Advent Workshop!
All the volunteers for the Advent Workshop!
The Edina Morningside Preschool’s holiday program delighted preschool families and church members alike!
Advent special music included flute accompaniment by member Darlene Clay.
Our “Pop-up Christmas Pageant” enlisted worshippers of all ages to become characters in the Christmas drama.
New in 2019, we invited the community for an Advent Carol Sing (and Dance!).
Many Christmas Carols were originally intended as dances, so as we sung we also created simple group dances together, led by EMC Music Director Conie Borchardt.
Chancel Choir members rehearse the anthems and hymns of Christmas Eve.
Luminaries light the way to worship on Christmas Eve.
Luminaries line the sidewalks to/from the sanctuary, bringing cheer to the neighborhood on Christmas Eve.
Our Christmas centerpiece enfolds the altar Advent candles and the cradle into a star of Christmas light.
Christmas Eve finishes with a darkened sanctuary and illuminated star, as candlelit worshippers sing “Silent Night”.
Light shines in the night of Christmas Eve, revealing the hope of a newborn Christ’s love.