Do the kids just play?
Yes and No.
Yes: the kids play during free playtime. They have a great deal of time and materials to use and enjoy while they are playing and learning. It is play with a purpose — play that gets kids excited and learning something new. We play games. We play with words, rhymes, letters and numbers. We play with cool science concepts and nature items. We play with art materials. We play with friends.
No: they are not just playing. They are learning about letters and numbers, about conservation of matter, about gravity, about similarities and differences in people, about ways to use their bodies, about what it feels like to be a friend, about the names of their emotions, about caring for a pet or a book or a toy or a friend. They are learning skills for life. Play is the work of children.
Are parent/teacher conferences held and when?
Conferences are held twice a year: in fall and spring. The objective of the fall conference is to set goals with parents for their child. In the spring, we test the children to see what they know academically and assess progress toward the goals set in the fall. We share our observations with parents at the spring conference.
Are there any special events?
Edina Morningside Preschool has many special events throughout the school year. These include Thanksgiving Feast, Preschool Board parent night out, Holiday Program, Family Night, and Mother’s Day Tea.
How parents can help at school?
Parents can help in the preschool by volunteering for field trips, cooking projects, helping with fundraising, and assisting with art project prep.
Do the children go on field trips?
The preschoolers go on many different field trips throughout the year. If possible, each field trip may go with the monthly theme. It is an opportunity for children to have engaging experiences in the community. Parents are welcome to chaperone on field trips.
What about cooking projects?
Our host, Edina Morningside Church, has a complete commercial kitchen that is kindly shared with the preschool. Once a month, we plan a cooking project with the children. We may be making homemade play-dough, a snack, or something for our Thanksgiving Feast or Mother’s Day Tea.
How does the preschool prepare kids for Kindergarten?
We work on the skills children need for Kindergarten through small group activities with support from their families. Both social and academic skills are nurtured with equal emphasis. Goals are set in the fall and worked on through the year and reviewed during spring conferences.