Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 10.43.45 PMOn a beautiful Easter Monday, ten adults and youth from EMC served turkey, potatoes, and gravy; made craft-form pictures; tossed a football in the sunshine; and distributed Easter candy and coloring books to six families at Parkway UCC in North Minneapolis, which participates in the Beacon Interfaith housing program for homeless families.


EMC attendees were treated to a wide variety of baked goods during the Women’s Fellowship bake sale on Sunday. It’s no surprise that some buyers balanced two boxes of treats plus more as they made their way to checkout.

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Everyone—members, friends and newcomers—may join us for any and all services this week:

  • Maundy Thursday, 7 pm: We’ll begin with the Lord’s Supper and move into a Tenebrae service. Through scripture readings, hymns, silence, choral and instrumental music, and the darkening of the sanctuary, we remember Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, trial and death. EMC practices open communion, and we welcome all to Christ’s table. Children and youth are encouraged to attend.
  • Easter Sunday, 7:30 am: Begin your Easter celebration with our “Almost Sunrise Service” at Browndale Park, Morningside Road.
  • Easter Sunday, 10 am: Join us for our traditional Easter worship—including music from our Chancel Choir, hymns and more—as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. Children and young people remain in the service, while infants through preschoolers can enjoy nursery care if parents wish. Stay for refreshments following worship.

(Photo: Reenactment of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper by members of our Sunday School on Palm Sunday.) Leonardo_da_Vinci_-_Last_Supper_(copy)_-_WGA12732



EMC’s Lenten Series “Souper Wednesdays” continues this week with Emily Hipps, Development & Communications Coordinator, International Institute of Minnesota (IIM). Come hear an overview of refugees, how one becomes a refugee, the U.S. refugee process and the help refugees receive once they arrive. IIM delivers services and resources to assist new Americans as they transition to a new life leading to economic self-sufficiency. Join us this Wednesday, March 16, for dinner and a topical discussion, 6 to 7:30 p.m. See you at Edina Morningside Community Church, 4201 Morningside Drive, Edina, MN 55416.


PIC_3104Eight youth and five adults from Edina Morningside made it to the inner sanctum at Second Harvest Heartland, where we helped pack over 900 pounds of cornflakes. (Cornflakes are light. That’s a lot of cornflakes.) We dolled up in aprons, hairnets, and gloves and got up to our elbows in totes of flakes, weighing them carefully and sealing the bags. We like the work at Second Harvest so much that at least one of us was there celebrating a birthday with his pals.  


Writing and reading poetry is a rapidly spreading health practice—reading poetry is even “prescribed” by some physicians. Consider then attending “The Power of Writing about Illness,” a free workshop led by Karin B. Miller, editor of two national anthologies, The Cancer Poetry Project, on Saturday, March 19, 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Participants will consider a wide variety of poems from The Cancer Poetry Project, brainstorm poetry ideas, and get started writing a few. To register your interest, email “Writing about Illness” in the subject line to [email protected]. Each class limits the number of registrations, so sign up soon. All classes are held at Edina Morningside Community Church, 4201 Morningside Road, Edina.


TracksinthesnowEMC’s Lenten Series “Souper Wednesdays” continues this week with Zafar Siddiqui, Director of Interfaith and Civic Relations, Islamic Resource Group, and board chair, Al Amal School. The discussion will be based on Tracks in the Snow—The Minnesota Muslim Experience Since 1880, created by the Islamic Resource Group with support from the Minnesota Historical Society. Join us this Wednesday, March 9, for dinner and a great topical discussion, 6 to 7:30 p.m. See you at Edina Morningside Community Church, 4201 Morningside Drive, Edina, MN 55416.

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EMC’s Lenten Series “Souper Wednesdays” continues this week with Michael Ohama, Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, and Mark Swiggum, Edina Community Lutheran Church Lay Leader. Learn about the invisible scope of homelessness in the suburbs and about ways congregations are making a difference in addressing this issue. Join us this Wednesday, March 2, for dinner and a great topical discussion, 6 to 7:30 p.m. See you at Edina Morningside Community Church, 4201 Morningside Drive, Edina, MN 55416. (Image: CharitySub)

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A resolution for a $250,000 loan from the Cornerstone Fund was unanimously approved at a congregational meeting today. Funds will be used to make building repairs and update the church entrance. Work on repair projects will begin soon. To learn more about the projects, please scroll through the presentation.


Today’s choir’s anthem, “All We Like Sheep,” sounded even more lovely, thanks to gorgeous new stoles created by costume designer and member Jane Williams. She created the stoles using upcycled white fabric and a multicolored print already featured in the church’s chancel. In addition, she took measurements of each choir member, customizing each stole to the singer. Prior to the anthem, the new stoles (which replaced 40-plus-year-old stoles) were dedicated by Interim Pastor Howard Bell.