Edina Morningside Church supports the Daylight Center & School in the Pokot region of northwestern Kenya. We have been fortunate through the years to get to know Michael Kimpur, the school’s founder, and Nathan Roberts, the school’s co-founder and U.S. director. Members of our congregation also have been blessed to visit Daylight in person, and a second trip is currently in the works. View pictures here from our 2018 trip to Daylight!
About Daylight
Daylight Center is a school, dormitory, and community outreach facility where children from the war-torn regions of nomadic Kenya come to find safety, food, education, and love. This project began in 2008 when leaders from the nomadic communities sought to bring peace, education, and hope to their tribes. Daylight brings together children from across the nomadic region and intentionally includes children of all tribes. These tribes are frequently at war with each other, but Daylight is raising a new generation of indigenous leaders to transform their culture. The children of Daylight live in safety, knowing that they are building a future for themselves and their people. Daylight Center and School is located in the city of Kapenguria at the edge of the nomadic lands. About 80,000 people from five major tribes live in the Northern Rift Valley.
Even the children of Kenya’s nomadic tribes spend their days herding cattle, looking for food, fighting enemy tribes, and waiting for an opportunity to go to school. Kenyan schools are not free and nomadic families can rarely afford to pay school fees. Many kids are killed in tribal fighting, die of starvation, or lose hope for their future and turn to a life of cattle stealing. Daylight School stops this cycle of poverty by offering them hope and a chance for a better future.
Daylight Mission
Inspired by the love of Jesus, Daylight Center & School shelters, feeds and educates nomadic children from rivaling tribes in Western Kenya, empowering them to imagine a better future together and end the bloody conflicts tearing their communities apart.
How Can We Help?
Please continue to keep the people of Kenya, the dedicated people who support Daylight, and the staff and children at Daylight in your prayers.
Daylight Center & School asked Edina Morningside Church to partner with them, and Pam DeLaittre is the contact person from our congregation. Their expectations are simple:
- Stay up-to-date on the activities and needs of Daylight. They email out “One Minute Updates” each week, and Pam shares them with the congregation in The Messenger.
- Periodically give a summary of their activities via an in-worship update, “Now Testament”, or other means.
- Pray for Daylight and any special needs they may have. We ask each person to pray for the emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth of Daylight’s students, teachers, directors, Kenyan supporters, global supporters, and partner churches.
- Make arrangement for Michael and/or Nathan to visit our church…especially when Michael is in town.
We began our support of Daylight during Lent of 2011. Our children raised money in support of the $40/month it takes to feed and educate a child, and adults raised money for building needs. We received Daylight offerings on Easter Sunday, and then forwarded those contributions to Daylight.
Additionally, our congregation has raised money and supported Daylight in the following ways:
- Raised money to purchase two cows for Daylight, with enough money left over to support 2 students for a month.
- Raised money to purchase 50 blankets for the new dormitory.
- Collected $200 from loose coin offerings in the collection plate to support room/board/tuition for students, and pay for repair of the Daylight well.
- Raised money to purchase 120 textbooks for the school.
- Sponsored four teacher salaries in Lent 2019.