2017 Capital Campaign

“Because we’re all fixer-uppers…”

We’ve raised $883,000 so far!

We are Blessed! As of May 21, 2017, EMC has raised $883,000 towards the Capital Campaign!

Please make a pledge: Help us build for the future and achieve more at Edina Morningside Community Church.

Make a contribution

Building More Than Curb Appeal

In the life of every building there comes a time when changes are required. Not just maintenance, but substantial remodeling to serve new needs and new purposes. Today, this is especially true of our beloved old Edina Morningside Church. Our church is 95 years old, and has served us well in the past. But due to deferred maintenance, “this old house” needs a lot of repairs. Our entrances,  narthex and library need updating to meet our needs and welcome our congregation and our community.



Working on our Welcome

Our original church was built in 1922! Small wonder we need a facelift! Changes are already underway. Repairs to the south west corner are complete, and the repairs to the east wall and other external structures will be completed in April 2017. During the summer of 2017, a more welcoming entrance and narthex will be created with input from our congregation. Conceptual plans include an open and light-filled narthex/lobby area, a welcoming reception desk, and updated meeting and library spaces. In addition, our valuable organ will receive needed repairs.

Conceptual Image: Morningside Dr. aspect



Conceptual Image: Interior/Narthex


Feel free to contact members of the Edina Morningside Capital Campaign team with questions, ideas, or concerns. The team also wears “Ask me about our Capital Campaign” buttons each Sunday.

Charlie Green

612.240. 8370/ [email protected]

Thom Miller

612.991.1599/ [email protected]

Jane Williams

612.968.9790/ [email protected]

Our Investment in the Future

After many months of work by Trustees and Cabinet committee members, we crafted, voted, and approved a Capital Campaign, with a goal of raising $800,000. Is that doable? Thankfully, with the guidance of the greater UCC organization, it is. We have engaged the United Church of Christ Campaign Services to support us on this journey. We have based our goals on their recommendations, and are utilizing their consultation services and staff to inform and guide this campaign.

Our remodeling BuilD-ins: Charitable Giving

An notable part of this campaign and working with the United Church of Christ Campaign Services is the opportunity to give back to the greater Church and our local community.  UCC Campaign Services fees are 10% of a church’s previous year’s annual giving; in the case of EMC, this fee is $20,000. A portion of this fee (30%) is used to support UCC Campaign Services. Importantly, the remaining 70% provides for “built-in” charitable giving. The break down is below:

  • 35% ($7000) of the fee applies to UCC’s Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM)
  • 17.5% ($3500) of the fee is applied to a UCC mission* of our choice
  • 17.5% ($3500) of the fee is applied to any charity/mission* of our choice
  • * We may choose the give both of these portions to the same UCC sponsored charity


Click the link below to view the PowerPoint presentation laying out what the Capital Campaign will accomplish.

EMC Capital Campaign 2017