Last April EMC hosted a women’s social evening, a chance for us—members and friends—to relax and get to know each other better. It was so successful that we’re doing it again. You’re invited to our second social evening on Friday, October 21, at 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. In addition to relaxing, if you’re so inclined, you’re welcome to create a fleece…
Rev. Janet Parsons Mackey grew up in Morningside during the 1940s and 1950s. Now the retired pastor has published a memoir on E. Dudley Parsons, her “grandfather, his values and his passion for justice.” Not only did generations of town leadership come from her family, but relative Rev. Henry Parsons and wife Sarah helped establish Edina…
EMC is hosting a rummage sale in early August. That means it’s time to haul out those bags of goodies you’ve been saving in your garage and basement. Bring them to EMC during office hours. Or contact Sonja Martens and arrange a time to drop off your treasures. Either way, place them on the stage in the church’s basement, and volunteers—join…
Members of EMC, along with their friends, relatives and community members, gathered last Saturday, June 18, for a memoir-writing workshop. Janet Anderson facilitated the event as part of Morningside U: a program of church members teaching others what they know. Writers worked on freeing their memories and imaginations, and giving themselves permission to tell their stories as truthfully…
Congratulations to EMC member Tadd Kreun, who was featured in the Star Tribune this week as landscape architect for the new Vikings stadium. Read the story.
EMC welcomed Michael Kimpur (left center with the Gennrich family) last week—both to our pulpit and to our floor, where the Daylight school director sat, sharing his easy charm with our youngest visitors and members. The children learned that in Kenya, people say “jambo” to say hello and answer that greeting with “hakuna matata,” a phrase many of them…
Listening to Sons of Levi perform gospel music was just one highlight for 10 EMC teens and nearly as many adults. The group attended the annual TRUST celebratory service, honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Catriona Ray and Amélie Fantin were among numerous readers (thanks, Janet, for arranging!), while members of Living Spirit United Methodist Church shared memories from…