Eight youth and five adults from Edina Morningside made it to the inner sanctum at Second Harvest Heartland, where we helped pack over 900 pounds of cornflakes. (Cornflakes are light. That’s a lot of cornflakes.) We dolled up in aprons, hairnets, and gloves and got up to our elbows in totes of flakes, weighing them…
Writing and reading poetry is a rapidly spreading health practice—reading poetry is even “prescribed” by some physicians. Consider then attending “The Power of Writing about Illness,” a free workshop led by Karin B. Miller, editor of two national anthologies, The Cancer Poetry Project, on Saturday, March 19, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Participants will consider a wide…
EMC’s Lenten Series “Souper Wednesdays” continues this week with Zafar Siddiqui, Director of Interfaith and Civic Relations, Islamic Resource Group, and board chair, Al Amal School. The discussion will be based on Tracks in the Snow—The Minnesota Muslim Experience Since 1880, created by the Islamic Resource Group with support from the Minnesota Historical Society. Join us this Wednesday, March…
EMC’s Lenten Series “Souper Wednesdays” continues this week with Michael Ohama, Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, and Mark Swiggum, Edina Community Lutheran Church Lay Leader. Learn about the invisible scope of homelessness in the suburbs and about ways congregations are making a difference in addressing this issue. Join us this Wednesday, March 2, for dinner and a great topical…
Today’s choir’s anthem, “All We Like Sheep,” sounded even more lovely, thanks to gorgeous new stoles created by costume designer and member Jane Williams. She created the stoles using upcycled white fabric and a multicolored print already featured in the church’s chancel. In addition, she took measurements of each choir member, customizing each stole to the singer. Prior to…
Are you a journalism undergrad? An aspiring blogger? A family historian? Let Morningside U help hone your interviewing techniques with “Getting a Good Interview”—a free workshop taught by Star Tribune editor Jeff Strickler this Saturday, Feb. 27, 10 a.m. to noon. It’s not too late to register! Email your interest with the class title, “Getting…
EMC’s Lenten Series “Souper Wednesdays” continues this week with Rev. Demetrius Chester, New Covenant Church of God in Christ, with his presentation, “My Experience and God’s Call for Unity.” Pastor Chester plans to share some of his experiences on race in Minnesota and an urgent call for unity among people of faith. Join us this Wednesday for dinner…
Are frigid temperatures getting you down? Then take a night off from winter in EMC’s warm, cozy basement for a tropical-themed shindig plus pizza (pineapple and Canadian bacon, anyone?). This family-friendly movie—about a Minnesota pet bird who travels to sunny Brazil and falls in love—will please an intergenerational crowd. Join us Friday, March 4, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Feel free to just show…
Join us this Wednesday as we kick off Souper Wednesdays. Rev. John Gutterman will be talking about the latest in immigration reform, the Syrian and Central American refugee crisis, and ways we can work ecumenically to create a more welcoming Minnesota. Dinner begins at 6; then stay for the discussion, which will wrap up at 7: 30 p.m. …
Join friends and family members tonight at 7 p.m. as we ponder confession and restoration during our Ash Wednesday service—the beginning of our observance of Lent.