In her thoughtful and insightful homily—”What Would Pooh Do?”—Janet Anderson, director of Faith Formation, shared an inspirational message with all of us who feel both overwhelmed by the world’s headlines and motivated to do something. EMC’s Family Sunday worship, Oct. 1, also featured a video by Joey Miller of EMC’s teens’ summer trip to the…
After jokingly getting Pastor Oby Ballinger’s permission to discuss sex in the sanctuary, best-selling author Peggy Orenstein shared insights about “intimate justice” with an audience of roughly 100 parents, teens, staff members and volunteers at Edina Morningside Community Church. Her speech—highlighting findings from her latest book, Girls and Sex—was the keynote address of Equipping Teens for Life,…
Rev. Frank Bennett, an EMC member, will be our Lenten Speaker Series guest tonight, March 27. Frank is the founder and program leader of Living Well/Dying Well, and is a senior teaching fellow at the Center For Spirituality & Healing after years of working with individuals and their families who were living with serious and life-threatening illness….
We invite you to attend our 2017 Lenten Speaker Series. Each Monday night throughout the month of March, we will feature a nonprofit leader who will share how his or her organization is bettering our community. Plus, each evening will begin with a delicious homemade supper. What better way could there be to kick off each week? Join us, 6–7:30 p.m. March 6,…
Morningside After Dark kicked off a space-themed program—and its fifth season with EMC—with a packed house in the church basement on Jan. 30. Fittingly, the first featured storyteller was Dr. Duchess Harris, author of Hidden Human Computers: The Black Women of NASA — a book that helps tell the story shared in the Oscar-nominated film Hidden Figures. Other performers exploring the theme included Humans…
As part of worship yesterday, EMC commissioned member Frank Bennett, MDiv., to serve as a community minister in covenant with us, the UCC Minnesota Conference, and the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota. As a minister, facilitator, teacher and chaplain, Frank provides support, education and care for the unique emotional, mental, and…
After watching a video of eighth-grade graduates from Daylight School talk about their career aspirations—to become pilots, doctors and lawyers—EMC kids worked together to create a greeting for the students at this Kenyan center. EMC is proud to support this growing residential school.
The bountiful gardens of Charlie and Barb Green, longtime EMC members, are featured in Northern Gardener this month. Over the years, these avid gardeners have transformed their weedy, overgrown yard into colorful and imaginative spaces, featuring 50 iris varieties, 70 hosta varieties, a British knot garden, a labyrinth, whimsical garden art, and much more. For beautiful photos…
EMC teens and a few adults spent a meaningful Sunday afternoon volunteering for the Women’s Prison Book Project at Boneshaker Books in Minneapolis. They read thoughtful, appreciative letters from approximately 75 prisoners, located requested books—everything from novels to dictionaries, self-help books to religious volumes—and then packaged the books for shipping to prisons all over the United States. “Remember those who are…
EMC’s worship yesterday remembered lives lost around the world due to acts of anti-transgender violence. Members read names and lit candles on this Transgender Day of Remembrance. The service’s Thanksgiving theme also called on us to make “room at the table” for everyone—yes everyone! #TDOR