“It’s possible!” Yesterday EMC celebrated a successful capital campaign, raising a whopping $878,000—well over our stretch goal of $800,000. Announcing the happy news were Ella and Jane Williams in a musical tribute to the members, friends, neighbors and organizations who made it possible. Check out the video and the photos below. Then watch for some big changes…
Our congregation is well on its way to meeting our goal of raising $800,000 for A More Divine Design—EMC’s capital campaign to improve our 95-year-old church and to continue to share the joy and welcome of Christ’s love for generations to come. If you’re a member or friend of EMC and haven’t yet made your pledge, there’s…
Following worship yesterday, capital campaign administrator Thom Miller announced great news: EMC members already have raised $607,000 toward our $800,000 goal. A More Divine Design capital campaign is underway, not only to address deferred maintenance but to create a warmer welcome—one that will enable our congregation to flourish, to invite new members, to inspire current members,…
Our third-annual Earthwork Breakfast, April 22, offered attendees of all ages delicious omelets and great speakers on earth stewardship. If you missed all the fun, check out our photos.
Easter Sunday brought kids and grownups, babies and older folks to EMC to hear the message of Easter—told through drama, music, prose and poetry. Need a little Easter today? Click the link below to listen to Pastor Oby’s uplifting Easter message again—or for the first time. Here’s a highlight: “Even when crucifixion hangs over the world,…
Mark your calendar for our third-annual Earthwork Breakfast: Saturday, April 22, 8:30–11 a.m. This Earth Day, an intergenerational celebration of earth stewardship meets Morningside U! We’ll meet at 8:30 a.m. for omelets—flipped to order by Neil and Greta Kulevksy. At 9 a.m., member Robert Schumacher will discuss bee farming; and he is bringing his bee suit plus honey…
Singing Godspell’s “Prepare Ye,” our Palm Sunday parade proceeded into the church for a theatrical and inventive worship service. Wishing all a blessed week as we prepare for Easter! Hope to see you at one of our Easter services: Sunday, April 16, 7:30 a.m. in Browndale Park and 10 a.m. at church.
After jokingly getting Pastor Oby Ballinger’s permission to discuss sex in the sanctuary, best-selling author Peggy Orenstein shared insights about “intimate justice” with an audience of roughly 100 parents, teens, staff members and volunteers at Edina Morningside Community Church. Her speech—highlighting findings from her latest book, Girls and Sex—was the keynote address of Equipping Teens for Life,…
Rev. Frank Bennett, an EMC member, will be our Lenten Speaker Series guest tonight, March 27. Frank is the founder and program leader of Living Well/Dying Well, and is a senior teaching fellow at the Center For Spirituality & Healing after years of working with individuals and their families who were living with serious and life-threatening illness….
We invite you to attend our 2017 Lenten Speaker Series. Each Monday night throughout the month of March, we will feature a nonprofit leader who will share how his or her organization is bettering our community. Plus, each evening will begin with a delicious homemade supper. What better way could there be to kick off each week? Join us, 6–7:30 p.m. March 6,…