“Kenya and Daylight School feel so much closer now.”
The quote above is from a long time Daylight School enthusiast in the USA. The comment captures how the shared experience of a pandemic in 2020 made for closer ties between the Daylight School community and its supporters in the USA. Hardship and worry have been our common bond. But so is a closer relationship forged by the ways we have been required, in our respective homelands, to care for loved ones and to keep children engaged while away from school. Throughout 2020 Daylight students, staff and leaders in Kenya have drawn upon their tireless spirit to continue Daylight’s mission. Despite the challenges of COVID-19, the effort to provide high quality education, a safe and engaging campus, nutritious meals, and a breadth of experiences continued. The goal of empowering students to imagine and create a more peaceful and prosperous future for the people of West Pokot was not lost to the pandemic. Our Daylight Family – in Kenya and in the USA continued its work.
If you would like to view Daylight Center & School’s 2020 Annual Report, please click HERE to view or download the PDF.
Thanks to your support and donations, Daylight is able to provide essential items such as mats for the younger students for resting, lots of beans to feed hungry bellies and firewood for cooking