As winter weather closes in on Minnesota, opportunities to support affordable housing are heating up! Without homes, our neighbors are missing the most basic foundation to health. In a time that requires great community healing, we can advance this faithful, healing work together. The Second Offering for November is Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, and in worship on Sunday, November 22nd, we saw a short video (visible below) demonstrating how different faith communities come together to make a difference through Beacon. In this spirit, our Beacon Core Team is highlighting ways that EMC members and friends can make a difference with our time and voices at this critical time of year.
First, Beacon’s “Rent is Due: Day of Action” is a monthly 30-minute virtual meeting to remember the crisis many families feel on the first of the month, and take strategic action together for home. On our morning meeting this December 1st, 8:30-9am, we will celebrate our work, reflect on our strategy moving forward, and begin pushing the legislature to prioritize housing in this upcoming legislative session and support the statewide funding campaign “Bring It Home, MN”. All are welcome to join the virtual meeting. Please register to receive an email with the link to join the meeting. We look forward to seeing you there!
Second, join us on December 3rd, 4-4:45pm for the second Light the Way Home virtual fundraiser. You will hear stories of resilience from Beacon residents and leaders and Lee Blons, Beacon’s President and CEO, will share Beacon’s vision for doubling down on homes that have supportive services onsite. You’ll be invited to give a gift that feels right for you, and pool resources to create stability for neighbors.
Finally, we know there are going to be many other opportunities to support affordable housing (and families who are on a path towards it) with Beacon in the coming months. Whether or not you can take part in these December events, please add your information to Beacon’s Pledge to Take Action. There you can also explore other opportunities for making a difference now, and will receive news of the latest updates.
Thank you for your advocacy and support of Beacon, and the faithful assertion that everyone should have a home!