Often the start of a new year sparks a resolution for more physical fitness. But what about our spiritual fitness? Come strengthen your spirit, your resilience and your sense of peace during our 2018 Lenten Series, Spiritual Cross Fit, led by Rev. Frank Bennett, Feb. 19 through March 19. Be renewed and gain greater insights into your faith and spiritual life.
Join us each Monday for supper at 6:15 p.m. Then we’ll spend our class session, 7–8 p.m., in the library.
Practices will include:
• Breath prayer
• Gospel imagination and contemplation
• Lectio Divina (reading and reflection)
• Centering prayer
Our March 12, a special class will focus on Sacred Intuition, and our capstone experience will be held on Palm Sunday, March 25, 12:30–4:30 p.m.