EMC welcomed Michael Kimpur (left center with the Gennrich family) last week—both to our pulpit and to our floor, where the Daylight school director sat, sharing his easy charm with our youngest visitors and members. The children learned that in Kenya, people say “jambo” to say hello and answer that greeting with “hakuna matata,” a phrase many of them knew from The Lion King. It was a great opportunity for them to meet Kimpur, whose school (daylightcenter.org) received the goats and cow for which we raised money.
Kimpur’s sermon, “You will know we are Christians by our love,” began with his reflections on the sorrow of losing Prince. If only we knew the day and hour of our deaths, Kimpur asserted, we would be sure to tell those we love them and ask for forgiveness from those we’ve hurt. Kimpur called love a four-gigabyte word and challenged us to go beyond our comfort zone to meet and understand others.
During coffee hour, Lenny Snellman, M.D., chief of staff at Children’s Hospital, and Joel Jensen, M.D.—both members of First Presbyterian Church in Stillwater—spoke about their visits to Daylight, where they serve the children and area residents. Both talked about how rewarding it is to work with Kimpur and these children, who have high ideals and have set large goals for their futures.