Everyone—members, friends and newcomers—may join us for any and all services this week:
- Maundy Thursday, 7 pm: We’ll begin with the Lord’s Supper and move into a Tenebrae service. Through scripture readings, hymns, silence, choral and instrumental music, and the darkening of the sanctuary, we remember Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, trial and death. EMC practices open communion, and we welcome all to Christ’s table. Children and youth are encouraged to attend.
- Easter Sunday, 7:30 am: Begin your Easter celebration with our “Almost Sunrise Service” at Browndale Park, Morningside Road.
- Easter Sunday, 10 am: Join us for our traditional Easter worship—including music from our Chancel Choir, hymns and more—as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection. Children and young people remain in the service, while infants through preschoolers can enjoy nursery care if parents wish. Stay for refreshments following worship.
(Photo: Reenactment of Da Vinci’s The Last Supper by members of our Sunday School on Palm Sunday.)